Publications about 'Domain'
Bruno Cabado,
Anthony Cioppa,
Silvio Giancola,
Andrés Villa,
Bertha Guijarro-Berdiñas,
Emilio Padrón,
Bernard Ghanem,
and Marc Van Droogenbroeck.
Beyond the Premier: Assessing Action Spotting Transfer Capability Across Diverse Domains.
In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), CVsports,
Seattle, Washington, USA,
pages 3386-3398,
June 2024.
Keyword(s): Soccer,
Action spotting,
Anaïs Halin,
Sébastien Piérard,
Renaud Vandeghen,
Benoît Gérin,
Maxime Zanella,
Martin Colot,
Jan Held,
Anthony Cioppa,
Emmanuel Jean,
Gianluca Bontempi,
Saïd Mahmoudi,
Benoît Macq,
and Marc Van Droogenbroeck.
Physically Interpretable Probabilistic Domain Characterization.
In Asian Conference on Computer Vision Workshop,
Hanoi, Vietnam,
pages 15-33,
December 2024.
Keyword(s): Domain,
Domain adaptation,
Joachim Houyon,
Anthony Cioppa,
Yasir Ghunaim,
Motasem Alfarra,
Anaïs Halin,
Maxim Henry,
Bernard Ghanem,
and Marc Van Droogenbroeck.
Online Distillation with Continual Learning for Cyclic Domain Shifts.
In IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), Workshop on Continual Learning in Computer Vision,
Vancouver, Canada,
pages 2437-2446,
June 2023.
Keyword(s): Online distillation,
Continual learning,
Autonomous cars.
Sébastien Piérard,
Anthony Cioppa,
Anaïs Halin,
Renaud Vandeghen,
Maxime Zanella,
Benoît Macq,
Saïd Mahmoudi,
and Marc Van Droogenbroeck.
Mixture Domain Adaptation to Improve Semantic Segmentation in Real-World Surveillance.
In IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops (WACVW),
Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA,
pages 22-31,
January 2023.
Keyword(s): Domain adaptation,
Articial intelligence,
Semantic segmentation,
Autonomous cars,
Sébastien Piérard,
Alejandro Marcos Alvarez,
Antoine Lejeune,
and Marc Van Droogenbroeck.
On-the-fly Domain Adaptation of Binary Classifiers.
In Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning (BENELEARN),
Brussels, Belgium,
June 2014.
Keyword(s): Classifier,
Machine learning.
Sébastien Piérard,
Anthony Cioppa,
Anaïs Halin,
Renaud Vandeghen,
Maxime Zanella,
Benoît Macq,
Saïd Mahmoudi,
and Marc Van Droogenbroeck.
Pushing AI out of the lab with on-the-fly mixture domain adaptation.
The European AI week,
March 2023.
Keyword(s): Domain adaptation,
Articial intelligence,
Semantic segmentation,
Autonomous cars,
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Last modified: Fri Feb 7 18:01:02 2025