Publications about 'Morphological video coding'
Philippe Salembier,
J. Casas,
A. Gasull,
F. Marqués,
A. Oliveras,
M. Pardàs,
L. Torres,
Beatriz Marcotegui,
Fernand Meyer,
Jean Serra,
Marc Van Droogenbroeck,
P. Brigger,
C. Gu,
Murat Kunt,
Lionel Bouchard,
Christophe Oddou,
and A. Sirat.
Morphological segmentation-based coding of image sequences.
COST 211 ter European workshop on new techniques for coding of video signals at very low bitrates, Hannover, Germany,
December 1993.
Keyword(s): Morphological video coding.
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Last modified: Fri Feb 7 18:01:02 2025