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Publications of year 2004
  1. Fabian Lapierre. Registration-based range-dependence compensation in airborne bistatic radar STAP. PhD thesis, University of Liège, Belgium, 2004. Keyword(s): Radar, STAP.
    title = {Registration-based range-dependence compensation in airborne bistatic radar {STAP}},
    author = {Lapierre, Fabian},
    school = {University of Li\`ege, Belgium},
    keywords = {Radar, STAP},
    year = {2004} 

Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. Cédric Demoulin and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Principes de base du fonctionnement du réseau GSM. Revue de l'AIM, (4):3-18, 2004. Keyword(s): GSM, Notes de cours, Notes introductives.
    author = {Demoulin, C\'edric and {Van Droogenbroeck}, Marc},
    keywords = {GSM, Notes de cours, Notes introductives},
    journal = {Revue de l'AIM},
    title = {Principes de base du fonctionnement du r\'eseau GSM},
    number = {4},
    year = {2004},
    pages = {3-18},
    pdf = {http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/bitstream/2268/1381/1/Demoulin2004Principes.pdf},
    url = {http://www.telecom.ulg.ac.be/publi/publications/mvd/Demoulin2004Principes/index.html} 

Conference articles
  1. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Partial encryption of images for real-time applications. In Fourth IEEE Signal Processing Symposium, Hilvarenbeek, The Netherlands, pages 11-15, April 2004. Note: Invited presentation. Keyword(s): Image processing, Information, Encryption, Selective encryption.
    title = {Partial encryption of images for real-time applications},
    author = {{Van Droogenbroeck}, Marc},
    booktitle = {Fourth IEEE Signal Processing Symposium},
    pages = {11-15},
    address = {Hilvarenbeek, The Netherlands},
    year = {2004},
    url = {http://www.telecom.ulg.ac.be/publi/publications/mvd/sps-2004/index.html},
    keywords = {Image processing, Information, Encryption, Selective encryption},
    note = {Invited presentation},
    month = {April},
    pdf = {http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/bitstream/2268/1481/1/Vandroogenbroeck2004Partial.pdf} 

Manuals, booklets
  1. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Technologies du multimédia, de l'Internet et des télécommunications. Notes de cours, 183 pages, Mars 2004. Note: HTML version available on line. Keyword(s): Multimedia, Notes de cours, Image, Internet, Réseau, Signaux, Telecommunications.
    title = {Technologies du multim\'edia, de l'{I}nternet et des t\'el\'ecommunications},
    url = {http://www.telecom.ulg.ac.be/teaching/notes/multimedia/index.html},
    pdf = {http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/bitstream/2268/1508/1/total-multimedia.pdf},
    month = {Mars},
    note = {HTML version available on line},
    howpublished = {Notes de cours, 183 pages},
    author = {{Van Droogenbroeck}, Marc},
    year = {2004},
    keywords = {Multimedia, Notes de cours, Image, Internet, R\'eseau, Signaux, Telecommunications} 

  1. Olivier Barnich. Détection de personnes et de visages dans une séquence vidéo. Master's thesis, University of Liège, Belgium, 2004. Keyword(s): Segmentation, Tracking.
    title = {D\'etection de personnes et de visages dans une s\'equence vid\'eo},
    author = {Barnich, Olivier},
    school = {University of Li{\`e}ge, Belgium},
    pdf = {http://www.telecom.ulg.ac.be/publi/publications/barnich/Barnich2004Detection.pdf},
    keywords = {Segmentation, Tracking},
    year = {2004} 

  2. Guido Debruyne and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Faut-il chasser les marchands du temple?. Solvay Business Journal, number 62, pages 29-30, Avril 2004.
    author = {Debruyne, Guido and {Van Droogenbroeck}, Marc},
    year = {2004},
    title = {Faut-il chasser les marchands du temple?},
    month = {Avril},
    howpublished = {Solvay Business Journal, number 62, pages 29-30},
    pdf = {http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/bitstream/2268/1769/1/Debruyne2004FautIl.pdf},
    url = {http://hdl.handle.net/2268/1769} 



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Last modified: Fri Feb 7 18:01:02 2025