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Publications about 'Gait'
  1. Olivier Barnich. Motion detection and human recognition in video sequences. PhD thesis, University of Liège, Belgium, September 2010. Keyword(s): Segmentation, Tracking, Background subtraction, Gait recognition. [bibtex-entry]

Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. Samir Azrour, Sébastien Piérard, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Defining a score based on gait analysis for the longitudinal follow-up of MS patient. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 23(S11):408-409, September 2015. Note: Proceedings of ECTRIMS 2015 (Barcelona, Spain), P817. Keyword(s): GAIMS, Gait analysis, Multiple sclerosis, EDSS. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Rémy Phan-Ba, Sébastien Piérard, Amaury Giet, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Individual variation of gait characteristics along a 500 meter walk in people with multiple sclerosis and healthy volunteers. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 21(4):532-533, April 2015. Note: Proceedings of Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis (RIMS) 2015 (Milano, Italy). Keyword(s): GAIMS, Multiple sclerosis, Gait analysis. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Sébastien Piérard, Rémy Phan-Ba, Amaury Giet, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. GAIMS: a tool specifically developed for the clinical gait analysis of patients with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 21(4):498-499, April 2015. Note: Proceedings of Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis (RIMS) 2015 (Milano, Italy). Keyword(s): GAIMS, Motor fatigue, Gait analysis, Multiple sclerosis. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Sébastien Piérard, Rémy Phan-Ba, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Understanding how people with MS get tired while walking. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 23(S11):406, September 2015. Note: Proceedings of ECTRIMS 2015 (Barcelona, Spain), P812. Keyword(s): GAIMS, Multiple Sclerosis, Gait, Motor fatigue. [bibtex-entry]

  5. Sébastien Piérard, Samir Azrour, Rémy Phan-Ba, V. Delvaux, P. Maquet, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Diagnosing multiple sclerosis with a gait measuring system, an analysis of the motor fatigue, and machine learning. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 20(S1):171, September 2014. Note: Proceedings of ACTRIMS/ECTRIMS 2014 (Boston, USA), P232. Keyword(s): GAIMS, Multiple Sclerosis, Gait, Motor Fatigue. [bibtex-entry]

  6. Rémy Phan-Ba, Sébastien Piérard, E. Lommers, G. Delrue, P. Calay, Marc Van Droogenbroeck, V. Delvaux, and P. Maquet. Relative Contribution of Walking Speed, Ataxia and Gait asymmetry to the Composition of Gait in Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 19(S1):261, October 2013. Note: Proceedings of ECTRIMS/RIMS 2013 (Copenhagen, Denmark), P608. Keyword(s): GAIMS, Multiple Sclerosis, Gait, Walking speed, Ataxia. [bibtex-entry]

  7. Sébastien Piérard, Samir Azrour, Rémy Phan-Ba, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. GAIMS: A Reliable Non-Intrusive Gait Measuring System. ERCIM News, 95:26-27, October 2013. Keyword(s): Multiple Sclerosis, Gait, Outcome measure, GAIMS, Immersion, Machine learning. [bibtex-entry]

  8. Sébastien Piérard, Rémy Phan-Ba, V. Delvaux, P. Maquet, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. GAIMS: a powerful gait analysis system satisfying the constraints of clinical routine. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 19(S1):359, October 2013. Note: Proceedings of ECTRIMS/RIMS 2013 (Copenhagen, Denmark), P800. Keyword(s): Multiple Sclerosis, Gait, Outcome measure, GAIMS. [bibtex-entry]

  9. Shibeshih Mitiku Belachew, Sébastien Piérard, Rémy Phan-Ba, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Multimodal evaluation of gait and stride dynamics in relapsing and progressive forms of multiple sclerosis. Proceedings of the Belgian Royal Academies of Medicine, 1:66-69, 2012. Keyword(s): Multiple Sclerosis, Gait, Walking speed, Ataxia, Motor fatigue, Foot dynamics, Stride, GAIMS, Ambulation sclerosis. [bibtex-entry]

  10. Olivier Barnich and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Frontal-view gait recognition by intra- and inter-frame rectangle size distribution. Pattern Recognition Letters, 30(10):893-901, July 2009. Keyword(s): Video, Gait recognition, Morphology. [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles
  1. Sébastien Piérard, Samir Azrour, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Slicing the 3D space into planes for the fast interpretation of human motion. In IET Workshop on Human Motion Analysis for Healthcare Applications, London, United Kingdom, May 2016. Keyword(s): Human, Motion, Gait analysis, GAIMS. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Sébastien Piérard and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. What are the optimal walking tests to assess disability progression?. In European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS), London, UK, September 2016. Keyword(s): GAIMS, Gait analysis, Multiple sclerosis. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Samir Azrour, Sébastien Piérard, Pierre Geurts, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Data normalization and supervised learning to assess the condition of patients with multiple sclerosis based on gait analysis. In European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN), Bruges, Belgium, pages 649-654, April 2014. Keyword(s): Data normalization, Machine learning, Multiple sclerosis. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Sébastien Piérard, Samir Azrour, Rémy Phan-Ba, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Detection and characterization of gait modifications, for the longitudinal follow-up of patients with neurological diseases, based on the gait analyzing system GAIMS. In European Life Sciences Summit BIOMEDICA, Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 2014. Keyword(s): GAIMS, Gait, Follow-up, Patient, Multiple sclerosis. [bibtex-entry]

  5. Sébastien Piérard, R. Phan-Ba, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Machine learning techniques to assess the performance of a gait analysis system. In European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN), Bruges, Belgium, pages 419-424, April 2014. Keyword(s): GAIMS, Feet, Machine learning. [bibtex-entry]

  6. Samir Azrour, Sébastien Piérard, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Using gait measuring system (GAIMS) to discriminate patients with multiple sclerosis from healthy persons. In BEMEKO Workshop on measurement: Challenges and Opportunities, Liège, Belgium, November 2013. [bibtex-entry]

  7. Rémy Phan-Ba, G. Delrue, Sébastien Piérard, E. Lommers, P. Calay, Marc Van Droogenbroeck, and V. Delvaux. Influence of the mode of walk on walking speed in multiple sclerosis: are you walking comfortably?. In Twenty-third meeting of the European Neurological Society, Barcelona, Spain, June 2013. Keyword(s): GAIMS, Multiple Sclerosis, Gait, Walking speed. [bibtex-entry]

  8. Rémy Phan-Ba, Sébastien Piérard, Gustave Moonen, Marc Van Droogenbroeck, and Shibeshih Mitiku Belachew. Deciphering distance-induced deceleration of gait and ataxia in people with multiple sclerosis. In Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS), Lyon, France, October 2012. Keyword(s): GAIMS, Multiple Sclerosis, Gait, Gait deceleration, Outcome measure. [bibtex-entry]

  9. Rémy Phan-Ba, Sébastien Piérard, Gustave Moonen, Marc Van Droogenbroeck, and Shibeshih Mitiku Belachew. Detection and Quantification of Efficiency and Quality of Gait Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis through Foot Path Analysis. In Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS), Lyon, France, October 2012. Keyword(s): GAIMS, Multiple Sclerosis, Gait, Outcome measure. [bibtex-entry]

  10. Olivier Barnich and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Design of a morphological moving object signature and application to human identification. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2009), pages 853-856, April 2009. Keyword(s): Video, Gait recognition, Mathematical morphology, Background subtraction. [bibtex-entry]



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Last modified: Fri Feb 7 18:01:02 2025